SMS Marketing Automation

SMS marketing automation can support you in resolving specific issues: immediacy, personalization, responsiveness and win-backs.

For beginners who might be wary of delving into new marketing technologies, SMS automations are easy to test and cost-effective. Even better, you’ll likely see results fast as SMS campaigns achieve an average 23% response rate.

While there are many benefits to SMS automation, you will find it best complements a multi-channel marketing plan and approach. To extend the scale of your campaigns and to drive even better sales, why not try adding an SMS offer a few days after your initial email marketing blast? In a mobile-first world, it’s an effective strategy to cut through the noise and prompt your target market to take immediate action.

Together, your ideal marketing automation system should:
• Nurture potential customers throughout the sales funnel
• Provide a seamless customer experience for your target audience
• Speed up lead generation processes
• Automate repetitive tasks to save time
• Lower operational cost and spend
• Increase ROI, scalability and resources for other marketing activities